Must See Port
Aalborg, Denmark
Aappilattoq, Greenland
Abel Tasman National Park
Aberdeen, Scotland
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Abrolhos Islands, Australia
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Aburatsu, Miyazaki, Japan
Acajutla, El Salvador
Acapulco, Mexico
Accra, Ghana
Acheron Passage, New Zealand
Adelaide, S A.
Adele Island WA
Adélie Land, Antarctica
Agadir, Morocco
Agats, Indonesia
Aghios Nikolaos, Greece
Agostini Sound, Chile
Agropoli, Italy
Ailsa Craig, Scotland
Ain Sukhna, Egypt
Ainsworth Bay, Tucker Islet, Chile
Air Terjun Kiti, Indonesia
Airlie Beach, Qld, Australia
Aisandami Village, Indonesia
Aitutaki, Cook Islands
Ajaccio, Corsica. FR
Akaroa New Zealand
Akita, Japan
Akpatok Island, Quebec, Canada
Akulleq Greenland
Akureyri, Iceland
Akutan Island, Alaska
Al Manamah UAE
Alanya, Turkey
Albany, New York, USA
Albany, WA
Aldabra - Seychelles
Alderney, British Channel Islands
Alejandro Selkirk Island, Chile
Alert Bay, British Columbia, Canada
Alesund, Norway
Alexandria, Egypt
Alghero, Sardinia. IT
Algiers, Algeria
Ali Island, Papua New Guinea
Alicante, Spain
Aljmas, Croatia
Almeria, Spain
Alofi, Niue
Alor, Indonesia
Alotau, Papua New Guinea
Alpena, Michigan
Alta, Norway
Alter do Chão, Brazil
Alton, Illinois, USA
Amakusa, Japan
Amalfi, Italy
Amalia Glacier, Chile
Amami Oshima (Naze), Japan
Amazon River
Amber Cove, Dominican Republic
Ambon Island, Indonesia
Ambrym Island Vanuatu
Amelia Island, Florida
Amerloq Fjord, Greenland
Ammassalik (Tasiilaq), Greenland
Ammassalik Region, Greenland
Amorgos, Greece
Amsterdam Island, PNG
Amsterdam, Rivers
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Amundsen Trough Canada NW
Anaa, French Polynesia
Anacortes, WA
Anchorage, Alaska
Ancona, Italy
Andalsnes, Norway
Angkor Ban, Cambodia
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
Anguilla, British Leeward Islands
Aniakchak, Alaska
Annaba, Algeria
Annapolis, Maryland, USA
Antalya, Turkey
Antarctic Expedition Deep South
Antarctic Peninsula
Antarctic Sound
Antigua, Guatemala
Antipaxos, Greece
Antipodes Island, New Zealand
Antsiranana, Madagascar
Antwerp, Belgium
Aomori, Japan
Apia, Western Samoa
Aqaba, Jordan
Arctic Circle
Ardfern, Scotland
Ardnamurchan, Lochaber Scotland
Arendal, Norway
Argostoli, Greece
Arhus, Denmark
Arica, Chile
Aride, Seychelles
Arles, France
Armacao dos Buzio, Brazil
Arnarfjörður, Iceland
Arnhem, Holland
Arran, Scotland
Arranmore, Ireland
Arrecife, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain
Arsuk Brae, Greenland
Aruba, Netherland Antilles
Asau, Samoa
Ashdod (Jerusalem), Israel
Ashmore Reef, Australia
Asmat, Papua New Guinea
Assumption Island, Seychelles
Astipalea ,Greece
Astoria, Oregon, USA
Astove, Seychelles
Aswan, Egypt
At Sea Cruising
Athens (Piraeus) Greece
Atuona (French Polynesia)
Auckland Islands, New Zealand
Auckland, New Zealand
Augpilatok, Greenland
Aujuittuq (Grise Fiord)
Auri Islands, Indonesia
Auvers sur Oise, France
Auyuittuq Canada
Avalon, California
Avignon, France
Ayau Atoll, Papua New Guinea
Bac Mòr, Scotland
Bad Schandau, Germany
Badas Islands, Indonesia
Baddeck, Nova Scotia, Canada
Baden-Baden, Germany
Baffin Island, Canada
Bagabag Island, Papua New Guinea
Bahia Agua Verde, Mexico
Bahía Bowditch, Santa Cruz
Bahía Bustamante, Argentina
Bahia Concepcion, Mexico
Bahia de Los Angeles, Mexico
Bahia Gardner, Galapagos Islands
Bahía Magdalena, Mexico
Bahia Paraiso (Drake Bay), Costa Rica
Bahia Sullivan, Santiago
Baie D Along, Vietnam
Baie-Commeau, Quebec
Baker Channel, Chile
Bakkagerdi, Iceland
Balboa, for Panama City Panama
Ballachulish, United Kingdom
Balleny Islands, Sub Antarctic Islands
Bally, West Bengal
Ballycastle, Northern Ireland
Balneario Camboriu, Brazil
Bamberg, Germany
Banavie, Scotland
Banda Aceh, Sumatra
Banda Islands, Maluka Islands, Indonesia
Banda Neira, Indonesia
Bandel, West Bengal
Bangkok (Laem Chabang) Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
Bangor, Northern Ireland
Banjul, Gambia
Bantry Bay, West Cork
Bar Harbor, Maine, USA
Bar, Montenegro
Baranagar, India
Barat Daya Islands, Indonesia
Barca Dalva, Portugal
Barcelona, Spain
Barh, India
Bari, Italy
Barletta, Italy
Barra Norte River, Brazil
Barra Norte Sea, Brazil
Barra, Scotland
Bartolome Island, Santiago
Basel, Switzerland
Basseterre, St Kitts & Nevis
Bastia, Corsica. FR
Bath, Maine, USA
Bathurst Island, Darwin, Australia
Batina, Croatia
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Battle Harbour, New Foundland. Canada
Bau Bau, Indonesia
Baucau, East Timor
Bay of Fundy, Canada
Bay of Islands, New Zealand
Bay of Kotor
Bayeux, France
Bayonne, New Jersey
Bazaruto, Mozambique
Beagle Channel Chile
Bear Island, Norway
Bear Island, Scoresby Sound, Greenland
Beaufort Sea
Beaufort, North Carolina, USA
Beaufort, South Carolina, USA
Beaune, France
Beechey Island, Arctic Canada
Beef Island, British Virgin Islands
Behm Canal, Alaska
Beijing (Tianjin), China
Bekkjarvik, Norway
Belem, Brazil
Belfast, Maine, USA
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Belgrade, Serbia
Belitung Islands, Indonesia
Belize City, Belize
Belle Ile, France
Belleville, France
Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica
Bellot Strait, Nunavut
Bellsund, Svalbard
Belogradchik, Bulgaria
Ben Tre, Vietnam
Bengkulu, Sumatra
Benoa, Bali, Indonesia
Beppu, Japan
Beqa, Fiji
Bequia, St Vincent & The Grenadines
Bergen, Norway
Bering Strait
Berlin (Warnemunde)
Berlin, Germany
Bermuda (West End)
Bernkastel, Germany
Berwick-upon-Tweed, England
Biak, Papua New Guinea
Biarritz, France
Bicari Bay, Indonesia
Big Island of Hawaii- Kona
Bigge Island, Western Australia
Bijagos Archipelago, West Africa
Bilbao, Spain
Bimini Island, Bahamas
Binh Thanh Island, Vietnam
Bintan Island, Indonesia
Binz, Germany
Biokovo, Croatia
Bitung, Indonesia
Black Turtle Cove, Galapagos Islands
Blacklead Island, Canada
Blashke Islands, Alaska
Blaye, France
Bligh Sound, New Zealand
Block Island, Rhode Island, USA
Bluff, New Zealand
Blumine Island, New Zealand
Boa Vista, Cape Verde Islands
Boca da Valeria, Brazil
Boca Del Guafo, Chile
Bocas del Toro, Panama
Bodh Gaya, India
Bodo, Norway
Bodrum, Turkey
Bohol, Philippines
Bol, Brac Island, Croatia
Bolama, Guinea-Bissau
Bolungarvik Iceland
Bom Bom Island, Principe
Bomberai Peninsula, Indonesia
Bonaire - Dutch Antilles
Bonavista, Newfoundland
Bonifacio, Corsica. FR
Bonne Bay, New Foundland, Canada
Boothbay Harbor, Maine, USA
Boppard, Germany
Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Boracay, Philippines
Bordeaux, France
Boreray Island Scotland UK
Borgarfjordur, Iceland
Bornholm, Denmark
Boston, Massachusetts
Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea
Bounty Bay, Pitcairns Island
Bounty Islands
Bourg, France
Bozcaada (Tenedos), Turkey
Bratislava, Slovakia
Brattahlid, Greenland
Breaksea Island, New Zealand
Brecqhou, Channel Islands
Breisach, Germany
Brest, France
Bridgetown, Barbados
Brijuni, Croatia
Brindisi, Italy
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Bristol, Rhode Island
Bronnoysund, Norway
Brookes Bay, Chile
Broome, WA, Australia
Bruinisse, Netherlands
Bruny Island, Tasmania, Australia
Brussels (Brugge), Belgium
Bucas Grande Island, Philippines
Buccaneer archipelago, WA
Buchan Gulf, Nunavut
Bucharest, Romania
Bucksport, Maine, USA
Budapest, Hungary
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buka Is, Bouganville, Papua New Guinea
Buna, Papua New Guinea
Bunbury, WA
Burlington, Iowa, USA
Burnie, Tasmania, Australia
Buru Island, Indonesia
Busan, (Pusan) South Korea
Busselton, WA
Buzet-sur-Baise, France
Buzios, Brazil
Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Bylot Island, Canada
Cabo Frio, Brazil
Cabo Girão, Madeira
Cabo Rojo, Dominican Republic
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Cabrits, Dominica
Cadillac, France
Cadiz, Spain
Caen, France
Cagliari, Sardinia. IT
Cai Bei, Cambodia
Cai Lan-Halong Bay, Vietnam
Cairns, Qld, Australia
Calais, France
Calayan Island, Philippines
Caldas de Aregos, Portugal
Calf Of Man, Isle Of Man UK
Callao (Lima) Peru
Calvi, Corsica
Camarones, Argentina
Camboriu, Brazil
Cambridge Bay, Canada
Cambridge, Maryland, USA
Camden, Maine, USA
Camp Kangiusaq, Greenland
Campbell Island, New Zealand
Can Tho, Mekong Delta
Canakkale (Kepez), Turkey
Canal Bolívar, Galapagos
Canhabaque, Bijagos
Canna, Scotland
Cannes, France
Canouan, St Vincent & the Grenadines
Cap-aux-Meules, Quebec CA
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Cape Cod Canal MA
Cape Dorset, Nunavut, Canada
Cape Dyer, Nunavut
Cape Enniberg, Faroe Islands
Cape Farewell, Greenland
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA
Cape Horn (Cruising)
Cape Peron, WA, Australia
Cape Town, South Africa
Cape York (Kap York), Greenland
Cape York, Qld, Australia
Capri, Italy
Carache Island, Bijagos
Carambola Beach, St Kitts
Caramoan Peninsula National Park, Philippines
Caravela Island, Bijagos
Carcass Island, West Falkland Islands
Cardiff, Wales
Careening Bay, WA
Carloforte, San Pietro
Carnley Harbour, New Zealand
Cartagena, Colombia
Cartagena, Spain
Casablanca, Morocco
Cassis, France
Castaway Cay, Bahamas
Castaway Cay, Bahamas
Castellon de la Plana, Spain
Castelsarrasin, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Castine, Maine, USA
Castlebay, Barra Scotland
Castries, St Lucia
Castro, Chile
Caswell Sound, New Zealand
Catalina Island (Santa Catalina), California
Catalina Island, Dominican Republic
Catania, Sicily. IT
Catskills, New York
Caudebec, France
Cavalos, Bijagos
Cayo Levantado
Cayos Cochinos, Honduras
Cebaco Island, Panama
Celukan Bawang, Bali
Cenderawasih Bay, Indonesia
Cephalonia, Greece
Cernavoda, Romania
Cerro Brujo, San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands
Cesme, Turkey
Ceuta, Spain
Chalon-sur-Saone, France
Champagne Bay, Vanuatu
Chan May (Hue), Vietnam
Chandernagore, West Bengal
Chania, Crete
Chao Gao, Vietnam
Charcot Island, Antarctica
Charles Sound, New Zealand
Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Charlestown, St Kitts & Nevis
Charlotte Amalie, U.S. Virgin Islands
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Chateauneuf du Pape, France
Chatham Islands
Chau Doc, Vietnam
Chennai, Madras
Cherbourg, France
Chester, Illinois, USA
Chicago, USA
Chichagof Island, Alexander Archipelago, Alaska
Chichijima, Japan
Chilean Fjords
Chioggia, Italy
Chios, Greece
Chirikof Island, Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska
Chiswell Islands, Kenai Fjords, Alaska
Chobe National Park, Botswana
Christchurch (Akaroa), New Zealand
Christchurch (Lyttelton), New Zealand
Christiansoe, Denmark
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Cinque Terre, Italy
Clarksville, Tennessee, USA
Cleveland, Ohio
Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
Coats Island, Canada
Cobh (Cork), Ireland
Cobia Is, Ringgolds, Fiji
Coburg Island, Canada
Cochem, Germany
Cochin (Kochi), India
Cockatoo Island, Western Australia
Cockburn Channel
Cococay, Bahamas
Coll, Scotland
College Fjord, Alaska
Collier Bay, Western Australia
Collioure, France
Colmar, France
Cologne, Germany
Colombo Sri Lanka
Colón, Panama
Colonsay, Scotland
Columbia River Gorge, USA
Con Dao Island, Vietnam
Conflans-Ste-Honorine, France
Conflict Islands, Papua New Guinea
Coningham Bay, Canada
Constanta, Romania
Cooktown, Qld, Australia
Cooper Island, British Virgin Islands
Copenhagen, Denmark
Copinsay, Scotland
Coquimbo, Chile
Coral Harbour, Nunavut
Cordouan Lighthouse
Corfu, Greece
Corinth Canal, Greece
Corinto, Nicaragua
Cormorant Point, Floreana
Corner Brook, New Foundland, Canada
Coron, Philippines
Coronation Gulf, Canada
Corpach, Scotland
Costa Maya, Mexico
Costa Smeralda, Italy
Cotonou, Benin
County Donegal, Ireland
Cousin Island, Seychelles
Cowes (Isle of Wight), England
Cozumel, Mexico
Craignure, Scotland
Craobh Haven, Scotland
Cres Island, Croatia
Cristo Rei, Portugal
Cristobal, Panama
Croker Bay, Nunavut, Canada
Crotone, Italy
Cu Lao Gieng, Vietnam
Cuero Y Salado, Honduras
Culzean Castle, Scotland
Curacao, Netherland Antilles
Curieuse, Seychelles
Curu Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica
D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea
d'Urville Island, New Zealand
Da Nang (Hue), Vietnam
Dakar, Senegal
Dalian, China
Dalyan River, Turkey
Dampier Archipelago, Australia
Daphne Island, Galapagos
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dardanelles, Turkey
Darrow, Louisiana, USA
Dartmouth, England
Darwin Bay, Galapagos Islands
Darwin Channel, Chile
Darwin, NT, Australia
Date Line Crossing
Davenport, Iowa, USA
Deboyne Lagoon
Decatur, Alabama, USA
Decin, Czechoslovakia
Decision Passage, Alaska
Deka Deka Island, Papua New Guinea
Delos, Greece
Denali National Park, Alaska
Denpasar, Bali
Deshaies, Guadeloupe
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Deventer, Holland
Devils Island, French Guiana
Devon Island, Canada
Diego Suarez, Madagascar
Dieppe, France
Digges Island, Canada
Dikili, Turkey
Dili, East Timor
Dingle, Ireland
Disko Island and Bay, Greenland
Divilican Bay, Philippines
Djupavik, Iceland
Djupivogur, Iceland
Dobu Island, Papua New Guinea
Dochgarroch, Inverness, Scotland
Dog Island, Anguilla
Doini Island, Papua New Guinea
Domaine de Murtoli, Corsica
Dominica, Windward Islands
Don Saynhan, Laos
Donji Milanovac, Serbia
Door Peninsula (Algoma)
Dordrecht, Netherlands
Douarnenez, Brittany
Doubtful Bay, Australia
Doubtful Sound, New Zealand
Douglas, Isle of Man England
Dover, England
Dover, Tennessee, USA
Dragon Hill, Santa Cruz
Drake Passage
Drangey Island, Iceland
Dravuni, Fiji
Dregerhafen, Papua New Guinea
Dresden, Germany
Duart Castle, Scotland
Dubai, UAE
Dublin, Ireland
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Dubuque, Iowa, USA
Ducie Atoll, Pitcairn Islands
Duke of York Is, Papua New Guinea
Duluth, Minnesota, USA
Dun Laoghaire, Ireland
Dundas Harbor, Canada
Dundee, Scotland
Dunedin (Port Chalmers), New Zealand
Dunkirk, France
Dunmore East(Waterford), Ireland
Dunvegan, Scotland
Durban, South Africa
Durnstein, Austria
Durres, Albania.
Dusky Sound, New Zealand
Dusseldorf, Germany
Dutch Harbour, Unalaska, Alaska
Dynjandi Waterfall
Eagle Falls, WA Australia
East Coast Fjords, Greenland
East London, South Africa
Easter Island (Hanga Roa), Chile
Eastport, Maine USA
Echuca, Victoria, Australia
Eden, NSW, Australia
Edfu, Egypt
Edinburgh Island, Canada
Edinburgh, Scotland
Efate Islands, Vanuatu
Egersund, Norway
Egum Atoll, PNG
Eidfjord, Norway
El Barranco, Genovesa
Elcho Island, Australia
Elduvik, Norway
Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands
Eleuthera Is, Bahamas
Ellesmere Island, Nunavut
Elliðaey Island, Iceland
Eltmann, Germany
Emmerich am Rhein, Germany
Enderby Island
Endicott Arm, Alaska
Engelhartszell, Austria
English Harbour, Antigua And Barbuda
English Narrows Chile
English Passage, Chile
Enkhuizen, Holland
Ensenada, Mexico
Entre-os-Rios, Portugal
Eqi Glacier, Greenland
Eqip Sermia, Greenland
Equator Crossing
Eriskay, Outer Hebrides
Eskifjordur, Iceland
Esna, Egypt
Esperance, Western Australia
Espiritu Santo Island Vanuatu
Estero Las Montanas
Esztergom, Hungary
Etna Bay, Indonesia
Euaiki, Tonga
Evansville, IN, USA
Evighedsforden, Greenland
Exmouth, Western Australia
Expedition Northeast Greenland
Exploration Of Blosseville Coast
Exumas Cays, Bahamas
Eyafjordur, Iceland
Eyjafjordur, Iceland
Fair Isle Shetland Islands
Fakarava, French Polynesia
Fakfak, Indonesia
Falkland Islands
Falmouth, Antigua & Barbuda
Falmouth, England
Falmouth, Jamaica
Fam Islands, Indonesia
Fanning Isle, Rep of Kiribati
Farne Islands UK
Faroe Islands, Denmark
Farraka Barrage, West Bengal
Fathom Five National Marine Park, Ontario, Canada
Fatu Hiva, Marquesa Islands
Feachem Bay, Buchan Gulf, Nunavut
Feni Islands, PNG
Fergusson Islands, Papua New Guinea
Fernandina Beach, Amelia Is, Florida
Fernandina Island, Galapagos Islands
Ferrol, Spain
Fethiye, Turkey
Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, Portugal
Figuera da Foz, Portugal
Finnsnes, Norway
Fiordland National Park, New Zealand
Fishguard, Wales
Fiskardo, Greece
Fitzroy Island, Qld, Australia
Flam, Norway
Flamenco Island, Panama
Flannan Island, Scotland
Flatey Island, Iceland
Flinders Group National Park, Qld
Flinders Island, Tasmania, Australia
Florence, Alabama, USA
Flowerpot Island
Fogo & Brava, Cape Verde Islands
Folgosa, Portugal
Fontvieille, Monaco
Forbes Island, Queensland, Australia
Fort Amador, Panama
Fort Augustus, Scotland
Fort Dauphine (Tolagnaro), Madagascar
Fort Madison, Iowa, USA
Fort Ross, Nunavut
Fort San Lorenzo, Panama
Fort William, Scotland
Fortaleza, Brazil
Forte de France, Martinique
Foula, Scotland
Fowey, England
Foynes, Ireland
Francois, New Foundland, Canada
Frankfurt, Germany
Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia
Fredericia, Denmark
Frederick Sound, Alexander Archipelago, Alaska
Fredrikstad, Norway
Freeport, Bahamas
Freetown, Sierra Leone
French Coast (Cruise By)
French Southern And Antarctic Lands
Freshwater Cove
Freudenberg, Germany
Freycinet National Park, Tasmania, Australia
Friday Harbor, WA
Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit), Nunavut
Froya, Norway
Ft Lauderdale (Pt Everglades), USA
Fuerte Amador for Panama City
Fuerteventura, Spain
Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
Fukuoka, Japan
Fulia, West Bengal
Funafuti, Tuvalu
Funchal (Madeira), Portugal
Fushiki-Toyama, Japan
Fusina, Italy
Gaeta, Italy
Gaferut Atoll, Yap State, Micronesia
Gairloch, Scotland
Gairlochy, Lochaber, Scotland
Galaxidhi, Greece
Galle, Sri Lanka
Gallipoli, Italy
Galway, Ireland
Gam Island, Indonesia
Garibaldi Glacier, Chile
Garove Island, PNG
Gaspe, Quebec. Canada
Gatun Lake, Panama
Gdansk, Poland
Gdynia, Poland
Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Geiranger, Norway
Geirangerfjord, Norway
Genoa, Italy
Genovesa, Galapagos Islands
Geographic North Pole
George Sound, New Zealand
George Town, Penang, Malaysia
Georgian Bay
Geraldton, Western Australia
Gerlache Strait
Germersheim, Germany
Ghent, Belgium
Gibraltar, United Kingdom
Gigha, Scotland
Giglio, Italy
Gijon, Spain
Gili Mas, Lombok
Gironde Estuary, France
Gisborne, New Zealand
Giurgiu, Romania
Giverny, France
Gizo, Ghizo Island, Solomon Islands
Gjesvaer, Norway
Gjoa Haven, Nunavut
Glacier Alley, Argentina
Glacier Bay, Alaska
Glacier El Brujo, Chile
Gladstone, Queensland
Glengarriff, Ireland
Gloucester, Massachusetts. USA
Gnalodden, Svalbard
Goa, India
Golfito, Costa Rica
Golfo Aranci, Italy
Golubac, Serbia
Gorinchem, Netherlands
Gorontalo, Sulawesi
Gothenburg, Sweden
Gough Island, United Kingdom
Gozo Island, Malta
Graciosa, Azores
Gran Canaria (Las Palmas), Canary Islands
Granada, Spain
Grand Bahamas Island
Grand Cayman (George Town)
Grand Harbour, Malta
Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, Canada
Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos
Grande Soeur Island, Seychelles
Gravdal, Norway
Grave Cove, Falkland Islands
Great Harbour, Jost Van Dyke, BVI
Great Inagua, Bahamas
Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas
Great Yarmouth, England
Green Cove Springs, Florida, USA
Greencastle, United Kingdom
Greenock (Glasgow), Scotland
Greenville, Mississippi, USA
Grein, Austria
Grenville Channel, BC Canada
Grimsey Island Iceland
Grinnell Glacier, Nunavut
Grise Fiord, Canada
Gros Morne Nat Park , Canada
Grundarfjordur, Iceland
Grytviken, South Georgia
Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
Guanaja, Honduras
Guayaquil, Equador
Gudhjem, Denmark
Gudvangen, Sognefjord, Norway
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Gulf Of St. Lawrence
Guptipara, West Bengal
Gustavia, St Barts
Gyor, Hungary
Gytheio, Greece
Hachinohe, Japan
Hagi, Japan
Hahajima, Japan
Haifa, Israel
Haikou, China
Haines, Alaska
Hakahetau, Ua Pou Island
Hakodate, Japan
Half Moon Cay, Bahamas
Half Moon Caye Reserve, Belize
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Hambantota (Sri Lanka)
Hamburg, Germany
Hamilton, Bermuda
Hammerfest, Norway
Hanavave (French Polynesia)
Handa Island, Scotland
Hang Yai, Laos
Hannibal, Missouri, USA
Hanoi, Vietnam
Hardangerfjord, Norway
Harlingen, Netherlands
Harrington Harbour, Canada
Harstad, Norway
Harvest Caye, Belize
Hashima Island, Japan
Hatta Island, Indonesia
Havre-Saint-Pierre, Canada
Hawkesbury River, New South Wales, Australia
Hebron, New Foundland, Canada
Heidelberg, Germany
Heimaey, Iceland
Heligoland, Germany
Hellesylt, Norway
Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands
Helsingborg, Sweden
Helsinki, Finland
Hendaye, France
Henderson, Kentucky, USA
Henderson, Pitcairn Islands
Heraklion, Greece
Herm, United Kingdom
Hermit Islands, Indonesia
Heron Island, Queensland, Australia
Herschel Island, Canada
High Bluff Island, Canada
Hilo Hawaii
Hilton Head, South Carolina, USA
Himeji, Japan
Hinlopen Strait, Spitsbergen
Hirara, Miyako-jima, Japan
Hiroshima, Japan
Hitachinaka, Japan
Hjorundfjord, Norway
Ho Chi Minh City (Phu My) Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam
Hóa An, Vietnam
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Hofn, Iceland
Hofsós, Iceland
Hoi An, Vietnam
Holmavik, Iceland
Holy Loch, Scotland
Holyhead, Wales
Homer, Alaska
Honfleur, France
Hong Kong
Hong Ngu, Vietnam
Honiara, Solomon Islands
Honningsvag, Norway
Honolulu, Hawaii
Hoonah, Alaska
Hoorn, Netherlands
Hopedale, Canada
Horizontal Waterfalls, Western Australia
Hornbjarg, Iceland
Hornelen Mountain, Norway
Hornsund, Spitsbergen
Hornvika, North Cape
Horta Azores, Portugal
Hososhima, Japan
Houmas House Plantation, Burnside, Louisiana, USA
Hrisey, Iceland
Huahine, French Polynesia
Hualien (for Taroko Gorge) Taiwan
Huatulco Mexico
Huay Ting, Laos
Hubbard Glacier, Alaska
Hudson Strait
Huelva, Spain
Hunter Island Group, Tasmania, Australia
Hunter River, West Australia
Husavik, Iceland
Hvalsey, Greenland
Hvar, Croatia
Hyde Park, NY, USA
Hydra, Greece
Ibiza, Spain
Icy Arm fjord Baffin Island
Icy Bay, Alaska
Icy Strait Point, Alaska
Igaliku, Greenland
Igumenitsa, Greece
Iheyajima, Japan
Ijmuiden, Netherlands (for Amsterdam)
Ikka Fjord, Greenland
Ile Royale, French Guiana
Iles de la Madelaine, Quebec, Canada
Ilha Dos Tigres, Angola
Ilha Grande, Brazil
Ilhabela, Brazil
Ilok, Croatia
Ilulissat, Greenland
Imabari, Japan
Inaccessible Island, Saint Helena
Incheon, South Korea
Indian Harbour, Nova Scotia
Ine, Kyoto
Inian Islands, Alaska
Inisheer, Aran Islands, Ireland
Inland Sea, Japan
Innvikfjorden, Norway
Inside Passage, Alaska
Invercargill, New Zealand
Inverewe Gardens, Scotland
Invergordon, Scotland
Inverie, Scotland
Inverness, Scotland
Iona, Scotland
Iqaluit, Canada Arctic
Iquique, Chile
Iraklion, Crete, Gr
Iriomote Island, Ryukyu Islands
Irish Sea
Iron Gate, Romania, Serbia
Isabela Island (Bahia Elizabeth), Ecuador
Isabela Island (Caleta Tagus), Ecuador
Isabela Island (Punta Vicente Roca), Galapagos Islands
Isabella Bay, Canada
Isafjordur, Iceland
Isbukta, Spitsbergen
Ise-Shima National Park, Japan
Isfjord, Svalbard
Ishigaki, Japan
Ishinomaki, Japan
Isla Carmen, Mexico
Isla Champion, Floreana
Isla de Chiloe, Chile
Isla de Los Estados, Argentina
Isla de Utila, Honduras
Isla Espanola, Galapagos
Isla Guy Fawkes Galap
Isla Lobos, Galapagos Islands
Isla Magdalena, Chile
Isla Natividad, Mexico
Isla Partida, Mexico
Isla Salsipuedes, Mexico
Isla San Esteban, Mexico
Isla San Francisco
Isla San Jose, Mexico
Isla Santa Fe, Galapagos Islands
Isla Santiago, Galapagos Islands
Island Of Mozambique
Island of Stroma, Pentland Firth, UK
Islas Tuckers, Chile
Islay, Scotland
Isle Martin, Scotland
Isle of Bute, Scotland
Isle of Eigg, Scotland
Isle of Eriska, Scotland
Isle of Islay, Scotland
Isle of Lewis, Scotland
Isle of Man
Isle of May, United Kingdom
Isle Of Mull
Isle of Noss, Shetlands
Isle of Pines, New Caledonia
Isle Of Portland, England
Isle of Rum, Scotland
Isle of Skye, Scotland
Isle of Tiree, Scotland
Isles de la Madeleine, Quebec
Isles of Lewis and Harris , Scotland
Isles of Scilly, England
Istanbul, Turkey
Itajai, Brazil
Itea, Greece
Itilleq, Greenland
Itozaki, Japan
Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland
Ivittuut, Greenland
Izmir, Turkey
Izu Oshima Island, Japan
Izumo, Japan
Jacquinot Bay, PNG
Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakobshavn, Greenland
Jan Mayen Island Norway
Jangipur, India
Jar Island WA
Jayapura, Indonesia
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Jeju, South Korea
Jekyll Island, Georgia, USA
Jerbourg, Guernsey
Jersey Island, Channel Islands, UK
Joao Vieira Island, Bijagos
Johannesburg, South Africa
John Brewer Reef, Queensland, Australia
Johnstone Strait, BC Canada
Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon
Jorge Montt Glacier, Chile
Jorhat, India
Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands
Juan Fernandez Islands. Chile
Juneau, Alaska
Jura, Scotland
Jurassic Coast, UK
Jurien Bay, WA Australia
Jøsenfjorden, Norway
Kadavu Group, Fiji
Kagoshima, Japan
Kahului-Maui, Hawaii
Kaikoura, New Zealand
Kailua Kona,Hawaii
Kaiser Franz Joseph Fjord, Greenland
Kalabahi, Indonesia
Kalamata, Greece
Kalmar, Sweden
Kalna, India
Kalocsa, Hungary
Kamigoto, Japan
Kampen, Holland
Kampong Cham, Cambodia
Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia
Kampong Leaeng, Cambodia
Kampong Tralach, Cambodia
Kanazawa, Japan
Kangaamiut, Greenland
Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Kangerlussuaq, Greenland
Kangertitivatsiaq Fjord, Greenland
Kanmon Straight Japan
Kaohsuing, Taiwan
Kapisillit, Greenland
Karatsu, Japan
Karimunjawa, Java, Indonesia
Karkar Island, Papua New Guinea
Karlskrona, Sweden
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlstadt, Germany
Karmsund, Norway
Karpathos, Greece
Karukinka Park, Chile
Kasane, Botswana
Katakolon, Greece
Katmai National Park, Alaska
Kauai, Hawaii
Kavala, Greece
Kavieng, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
Kaziranga, India
Keelung, Taiwan
Kehl, Germany
Kei (Kai) Islands, Indonesia
Kekerten Island, Nunavut
Kemi, Finland
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Kennedy Is, Solomons
Kent Island Group, Tasmania, Australia
Kere Beach, Bijagos
Ketchikan, Alaska
Keukenhof Gardens, Holland
Key West, Florida, USA
Khasab, Oman
Khok Akha, Laos
Khok Ek, Laos
Khok Luang, Laos
Khok Phou, Laos
Khor al Fakkan, UAE
Khushbagh, India
Kicker Rock, San Cristobal
Kiel Canal
Kiel, Germany
Killarney, Ontario, Canada
Killybegs, Ireland
Kilronan, Aran Islands, Ireland
Kilwa Kisiwani, Tanzania
Kimberley Coast, Western Australia
Kimmirut, Nunavat, Canada
King George Island, South Shetland Islands
King George River, Western Australia
King Oscar Fjord, Greenland
Kings Wharf (Royal Naval Dockyard), Bermuda
Kingston, New Jersey, USA
Kingstown, St Vincent & The Grenadines
Kinsale, Ireland
Kiriwina Island, Papua New Guinea
Kirkwall, Scotland
Kitakyushu, Japan
Kitava Island, Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea
Kitikiti Waterfall, Mommon, Indonesia
Kitikmeot Region, Nunavut, Canada
Kitty Hawk, NC
Klaipeda, Lithuania
Klaksvik, Faroe Islands
Klawock, Alaska
Ko Chang, Thailand
Ko Kut, Thailand
Ko Samui, Thailand
Kobe, Japan
Koblenz, Germany
Kochi, Japan
Kodia Island, Indonesia
Kodiak, Alaska
Kofiau Island, Raja Ampat
Koh Chen, Cambodia
Koh Kood, Thailand
Koh Okhna Tey (Silk Island), Cambodia
Kokas, McClure Gulf, Indonesia
Kolombangara, Solomon Islands
Kom Ombo, Egypt
Komiza, Vis Island
Komodo Island, Indonesia
Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen
Koolama Bay, W A
Kopar Village, Sepik River, PNG
Koper, Slovenia
Korcula, Croatia
Koror, Palau
Kos, Greece
Koshikijima Islands, Japan
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Kotka, Finland
Kotor, Montenegro
Krakatau, Indonesia
Kralendijk, Bonair
Krems, Austria
Kri Island, Indonesia
Kristiansund, Norway
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Kuang Si, Laos
Kuannit Coast, Greenland
Kuiawa Island, Papua New Guinea
Kujalleq Glacier, Greenland
Kullorsuaq, Greenland
Kumano (Japan)
Kumejima, Japan
Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia
Kurashiki, Japan
Kuri Bay, Western Australia
Kurushima Strait
Kusadasi, Turkey
Kushiro, Japan
Kuwait City, Kuwait
Kvanefjord, Greenland
Kwatisore, Papua New Guinea
Kyle of Lochalsh, Scotland
Kylerhea, Scotland
Kyoto, Japan
Kythira, Greece
Kythnos, Greece
L'Ile-Rousse, France
La Baie, Canada
La Ciotat, France
La Coruna, Spain
La Crosse, WI
La Digue, Seychelles
La Ensenada, Honduras
La Estaca, El Hierro, Canary Islands
La Goulette, Tunisia
La Pallice, France
La Palma, Canary Islands
La Paz, Mexico
La Roche-Guyon, France
La Rochelle, (Bordeaux) France
La Romaine, Quebec, Canada
La Romana, Dominican Republic
La Spezia, Italy
Lababia, Papua New Guinea
Labadee, Hispaniola
Labrador, Canada
Lacepede Islands, Western Australia
Lady Elliot Island, Queensland, Australia
Lady Franklin Island, Nunavut
Laggan Locks, Scotland
Lagos, Portugal
Lagruere, France
Laguna San Rafael, Chile
Lahaina Maui, Hawaii
Lahnstein, Germany
Lake Erie
Lake Huron
Lake Michigan, USA
Lake Ontario
Lake Towada, Japan
Lakselv, Norway
Lamego, Portugal
Lamotrek Atoll, Caroline Islands
Lanai, Hawaii
Lancaster Sound, Canada
Langebaan, South Africa
Langfjorden, Norway
Langfossen, Norway
Langkawi, Malaysia
Lanse au Meadows, New Foundland,Canada
Largs, Scotland
Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Las Bachas, Santa Cruz
Las Perlas Islands, Panama
Las Tintoreras Islet, Isabela, Galapagos Islands
Latrabjarg Cliffs
Lautoka, Fiji
Lavrion, Greece
Le Havre, France
Le Palais, France
Le Pecq, France
Le Port, Reunion Islands, France
Le Pouzin
Le Verdon (Medoc), France
Le Verdon sur Mer (Bordeaux) France
LeConte Bay, Alaska
Lefkada Island (Lefkas), Greece
Leith, Scotland
Leixoes, Portugal
Leknes, Lofoten Islands, Norway
Leleuvia, Fiji
Lembar, Indonesia
Lerici, Italy
Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Scotland
Les Andelys, France
Les Anses-d'Arlet, Martinique
Les Saintes, Guadeloupe
Lesvos (Mitilini), Greece
Leverinho, Portugal
Libourne, France
Liepaja, Latvia
Lifou, Loyalty Islands
Lighthouse Reef, Belize
Liki Island, PNG
Limassol, Cyprus
Limnos (Myrina), Greece
Limon, Costa Rica
Lindenow Fjord, Greenland
Lindisfarne Island
Lindos, Greece
Linz, Austria
Lipari, Italy
Lisbon, Portugal
Little Bay, Montserrat
Little Current, Manitoulin Island
Little Diomede Island, Bering Strait, Russia
Little French Key, Honduras
Livadi, Nisos Serifos, Greece
Liverpool, England
Livorno, (Florence, Pisa) Italy
Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia
Loch a'Choire, Scotland
Loch Ewe, Scotland
Loch Hourn, Scotland
Loch Linnhe, Scotland
Loch Scavaig, Scotland
Lochboisdale, Scotland
Lochinver, Scotland
Lochmaddy, Scotland
Loen (Olden), Norway
Loen, Norway
Lofoten Islands, Norway
Lombok, Indonesia
Lome, Togo
London, (Tower Bridge) England
Londonderry, North Ireland
Long Beach, California, USA
Long Xuyen, Vietnam
Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen
Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point, Bahamas
Lords River, New Zealand
Lorelei, Germany
Loreto, Mexico
Lorient, France
Los Angeles, California
Los Cristianos, Tenerife, Spain
Los Islotes, Mexico
Los Lobos (San Cristobal)
Lough Swilly, Ireland
Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, Canada
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Lower Savage Islands, Nunavut
Luanda, Angola
Luang Prabang, Laos
Lucerne, Switzerland
Luderitz, Namibia
Ludwigshafen, Germany
Luganville, Vanuatu
Lulea, Sweden
Lundy Island, England
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada
Lunga, United Kingdom
Lusancay Islands, PNG
Lustrafjorden, Norway
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Luxor, Egypt
Lynn Canal, Alaska
Lyon, France
Lysefjord, Norway
Lysekil, Sweden
Maastricht, The Netherlands
Maatsuyker Island, Tasmania
Macapa, Brazil
Maceio, Brazil
Mackinac Island, Michigan
Macon, France
Macquarie Island, Sub Antarctic Island
Madang, Papua New Guinea
Magdalene Islands, Canada
Magnetic North Pole
Magnetic South Pole
Magong (Makung), Penghu Islands, Taiwan
Mahahual Mexico
Mahe, Seychelles
Mahogany Bay, Roatan, Honduras
Mahon, Menorca. SP
Main-Danube Canal
Mainz, Germany
Maio Island, Bijagos
Maio, Cape Verde Islands
Maizuru, Japan
Majuli Island, India
Majunga, Madagascar
Malacca, Malaysia
Malaga, Spain
Malaita Island, Soloman Islands
Male, Maldives
Mali Losinj, Croatia
Malin Head, Ireland
Mallorca, Spain
Málmey Island, Iceland
Malmo, Sweden
Maloy, Norway
Mamanuca Islands, Fiji
Mamoudzou, Mayotte
Manaus, Brazil
Mandal, Norway
Mangalore, India
Mangareva, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
Maniitsoq, Greenland
Manila, Philippines
Maningrida, Northern Territory, Australia
Mannheim, Germany
Manokwari, Papua New Guinea
Mansuar Island, Indonesia
Manta, Equador
Mantes-La-Jolie, France
Manus Island, Papua New Guinea
Manzanillo Mexico
Mapia Atoll
Maputo, Mozambique
Maransabadi Island, Indonesia
Marbella, Spain
Marble Island, Nunavut
Marco Island, Florida, USA
Margaret River, Australia
Marguerite Bay, Antarctica
Maria Island, Tasmania, Australia
Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
Marie Galante, Guadaloupe
Mariehamn, Finland
Marietta, Ohio, USA
Marigot, St. Martin
Marina Di Carrara, Italy
Marina Grande, Italy
Marktheidenfeld, Germany
Marlborough Sounds
Marmaris, Turkey
Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands
Marseilles, France
Marseillette, France
Marstrand, Sweden
Marthas Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA
Mata Utu, Wallis
Matiari, India
Matsue, Japan
Matsuyama, Japan
Maumere, Flores (Indonesia)
Maurangerfjord, Norway
Mayapur, India
Mayotte, Comoro Islands
Mayreau, St Vincent & The Grenadines
Maysville, Kentucky, USA
Mazatlan, Mexico
Mbike Island, Solomon Islands
McGarvey Shoal, Ontario, Canada
Meeting of Waters
Meilhan-sur-Garonne, France
Meissen, Germany
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Melilla, Spanish Mor
Melk, Austria
Melville Island, Canada
Memphis Tennessee, USA
Menorca, Spain
Mentawai Islands Regency, Indonesia
Menton, France
Messier Channel, Chile
Messina Strait, Italy
Messina, Sicily. IT
Miami, Florida USA
Miawpukek (Conne River), Canada
Middelburg, The Netherlands
Middle Percy Island, QLD Australia
Milford Haven, Wales
Milford Sound, New Zealand
Milos, Greece
Miltenberg, Germany
Mindelo (Porto Grande) Sao Vicente, Cape Verde Islands
Miquelon, St Pierre & Miquelon
Misali Island, Tanzania
Misool Archipelago, Indonesia
Misty Fjords, Alaska
Mitarai, Japan
Mitchell Plateau and Falls, Western Australia
Mitchell River, W.A., Australia
Miyajima Japan
Miyakejima, Japan
Miyako Island (Miyakojima), Japan
Miyako, Japan
Miyazaki, Japan
Miyazu, Japan
Mljet, Croatia
Mohacs, Hungary
Moissac, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Mojiko, Japan
Mokohinau Islands, New Zealand
Molana Island, Indonesia
Molde, Norway
Mombasa, Kenya
Monaco Glacier Spitsbergen
Monemvasia, Greece
Monopoli - Italy
Monrovia, Liberia
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Montebello Islands, WA Australia
Montech, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
Montego Bay, Jamaica
Monterey, California, USA
Montevideo, Uruguay
Montgomery Reef, W A
Montoir-de-Bretagne, France
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Monumental Island, Canada
Mooloolaba (Noosa), Queensland, Australia
Moorea, French Polynesia
Moraleda Channel, Chile
Moray Firth, Scotland
Morehead City, North Carolina, USA
Moreton Island, Queensland, Australia
Mormugao (Marmagao), India
Morobe Harbour, Papua New Guinea
Morondava, Madagascar
Morrisons Winery, Murray River
Mosquera Islet, Galapagos Islands
Mossel Bay, South Africa
Motobu, Japan
Motril, Spain
Motu Ofetaro, Ra'iatea, French Polynesia
Motuara Island, New Zealand
Mount Kilauea, Hawaii
Mount Koghi, New Caledonia
Mount Vernon, Virginia, USA
Mousa, Shetland Isles, Scotland
Mt Athos, Greece
Muara, Brunei
Muck, Scotland
Muiron Islands, WA Australia
Mulege, Mexico
Mull, Scotland
Mumbai (Bombay), India
Muroran, Japan
Murray River, Australia
Murshidabad, India
Murujuga National Park, Burrup Peninsula
Muscat, Oman
Mutiny On The Bounty Tonga
My An Hung, Vietnam
My Tho, South Vietnam
Mykonos, Greece
Mystery Island, Vanuatu
Mystic, Connecticut, USA
Nabadwip, West Bengal
Nachvak Fjord, New Foundland, Canada
Naeroysundet Strait, Norway
Nafplion, Greece
Nagasaki, Japan
Nagoya, Japan
Nain, New Foundland, Canada
Namibe, Angola
Nanaimo, BC, Canada
Nancy Sound, New Zealand
Nanortalik, Greenland
Nantes, France
Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, USA
Napali Coast Kauai, HI
Napier, New Zealand
Naples, Italy
Narsaq, Greenland
Narsarsuaq, Greenland
Narvik, Norway
Nassau, Bahamas
Natal, Brazil
Natchez, Mississippi, USA
Nauplie (Greece)
Nawiliwili Kauai, Hawaii
Naxos Di Giardini, Sicily. IT
Naxos, Greece
Neamati Ghat, India
Neiafu and Nuku Islands, Vava’u Group, Kingdom of Tonga
Nelson, New Zealand
Nendo Island, Solomon Islands
New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA
New Georgia Islands, Solomons
New Island, West Falkland Islands
New London, Conneticut
New Madrid, Missouri, USA
New Mangalore,India
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
New Plymouth, NZ
New York, USA
Newcastle, England
Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Newfoundland Island, Canada
Newhaven, UK
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Nggela Sule, Solomon Islands
Nha Trang, Vietnam
Nias Island, Indonesia
Nice, France
Nightingale Island
Niigata, Japan
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Ningaloo Reef, WA Australia
Ninigo Islands, Indonesia
Nissan Island, Papua New Guinea
Niuatoputapu, Kingdom of Tonga
Njari Island, Solomon Islands
Nome, Alaska
Nordfiordeid, Norway
Nordfjord, Norway
Nordfjordeid, Norway
Norfolk Island
Norfolk, Virginia
Norman Island, British Virgin Islands
Norris Bend, Murray River
North Arm Fjord Baffin Island
North Cape, Norway
North East Island, New Zealand
North Sea Canal, Germany
North Seymour, Galapagos
Northwest Passage
Noss, Scotland
Nosy Be, Madagascar
Nosy Boraha, Madagascar
Nosy Hara, Madagascar
Nosy Komba, Madagascar
Nosy Tanikely
Noumea, New Caledonia
Novi Sad, Serbia
Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands
Nuku'alofa, Tonga Islands
Nukufetau, Tuvalu
Nukupule Island, Tonga
Nuremberg, Germany
Nuuk, Greenland
Ny Alesund, Spitsbergen
Nynashamn (Stockholm), Sweden
Oak Alley Plantation, Vacherie, Louisiana, USA
Oarai, Japan
Oban, Halfmoon Bay, Stewart Island
Oban, Scotland
Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve
Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Okayama, Japan
Okinawa (Naha), Japan
Oknha Tey, Cambodia
Olbia, Sardinia. IT
Old Man of Hoy, Scotland
Old Saybrook, Connecticut
Olden, Norway
Omaezaki, Japan
Omoa, Fatu Hiva
Onahama, Japan
Opatija, Croatia
Oporto (Porto), Portugal
Opunohu, Moorea (French Polynesia)
Oran, Algeria
Orango Island, Bijagos
Oranjestad, Aruba
Orkney Islands, Scotland
Orpheus Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Orpit, Greenland
Osaka, Japan
Osijek, Croatia
Oslo, Norway
Oslofjord, Norway
Ostend, Belgium
Otaru Ko, Japan
Otranto, Italy
Oudong, Cambodia
Oulu, Finland
Ouranoupoli, Greece
Oyndarfjørður, Faroe Islands
Paamiut, (Frederikshaab) Greenland
Pacheca Island
Padloping Island, Nunavut, Canada
Paducah, Kentucky,USA
Pago Pago American Samoa
Paita Peru
Pak Beng, Laos
Pak Lai, Laos
Pak Ou Caves, Laos
Palamos, Spain
Palatka, Florida
Palau Roon, Indonesia
Palermo, Sicily. IT
Palma, Majorca. SP
Palmarola, Italy
Palmerston Island, Cook Islands
Palopo, Indonesia
Panama Canal
Panama City, Panama
Panapompom Island, Papua New Guinea
Pangai, Lifuka Island, Kingdom of Tonga
Pangnirtung, Canada
Pantelleria, Italy
Papa Stour, Shetland Islands
Papeete, Tahiti
Papey Island, Iceland
Paracas Peru (For Nazca Lines)
Paradise Bay, Cuverville Island
Parai Beach (Indonesia)
Paranagua, Brazil
Paraty Brazil
Parga, Greece
Parintins, Brazil
Paros, Greece
Parry Sound, ON, Canada
Pasajes, Spain
Passau, Germany
Passing Gibraltar
Paterson Inlet, New Zealand
Patmos, Greece
Patreksfjordur, Iceland
Patterson Bay, Alaska
Pauillac, France
Paxi Island Greece
Pearl Islands, Panama
Pecs, Hungary
Peel Fjord, Chile
Peel, Isle of Man
Pelican, Alaska
Pelorus Sound, New Zealand
Pemba, Tanzania
Pembroke, Wales
Pendleton, Oregon, USA
Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Pentecost Island Vanuatu
Penzance, England
Perce, Canada
Pergamon, Turkey
Perricoota Station, Murray River
Perseverance Harbour, New Zealand
Perth (Fremantle), WA Australia
Pesaro, Italy
Petersburg, Alaska
Pha Liep, Laos
Philipsburg, St Maarten
Phillip Island, Victoria, Australia
Philpots Island, Baffin, Canada
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phu Quoc, Vietnam
Phu Tan, Vietnam
Phuket, Thailand
Picton, New Zealand
Pigeon Island, St Lucia
Pinhao, Portugal
Pink Beach, Komodo
Pio XI Glacier, Chile
Piombino, Italy
Piran, Slovenia
Pisco, Peru
Pitcairn (Adamstown), Pitcairn Islands
Pitons, Saint Lucia
Placencia, Belize
Plage Saint Antoine, Corsica, France
Playa Espumilla, Santiago, Galapagos Is
Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica
Playa Muerto, Darien National Park
Playa Panama, Costa Rica
Pleven, Bulgaria
Ploce, Croatia
Plockton, Scotland
Plymouth, England
Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
Pocinho, Portugal
Point Hope, Arctic Alaska
Point Pelee, Ontario, Canada
Pointe Denis, Gabon
Pointe des Galets, Reunion Island
Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe
Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo
Polillo Island, Philippines
Polyaigos, Greece
Pommevic, France
Ponam Island, Indonesia
Pond Inlet, Canada
Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal
Ponza, Italy
Poole, Dorset, England
Poros, Greece
Porsangerfjorden, Norway
Port Adventure, New Zealand
Port Angeles, Washington, USA
Port Antonio, Jamaica
Port Antonio, Jamaica
Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia
Port Blair, Andaman Islands
Port Canaveral, USA
Port Clarance, Alaska
Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada
Port Denarau (Nadi), Fiji
Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia
Port Elizabeth South Africa
Port Elizabeth, St Vincent & The Grenadines
Port Ellen, Scotland
Port Essington, Cobourg Peninsula
Port Jefferson, New York, USA
Port Klang, (Kuala Lumpur), Malaysia
Port Lincoln, South Australia
Port Louis, Mauritius
Port Mahon, Menorca
Port Moresby PNG
Port of Kalama, WA
Port Pegasus, New Zealand
Port Royal, Jamaica
Port Saguenay, Quebec - Canada
Port Said, Egypt
Port St Mary, Isle Of Man UK
Port Stanley, Falkland Islands
Port Townsend
Port Vendres, France
Port Vila Vanuatu
Porticcio Beach, Corsica FR
Portimao, Portugal
Portland, England
Portland, Maine, USA
Portland, VIC, Australia
Porto Belo, Brazil
Porto Carras, Greece
Porto Cervo, Sardinia. IT
Porto de Banus, Spain
Porto de Leixoes, Portugal
Porto Empedocle, Italy
Porto Ercole, Italy
Porto Novo
Porto Santo Stefano, Italy
Porto Santo, Madeira
Porto Torres, Sardinia, Italy
Porto Vecchio, Corsica. FR
Portobelo, Panama
Portoferraio, Italy
Portofino, Italy
Portovenere, Italy
Portree, Isle of Skye, Scotland
Portrush, Ireland
Portsmouth, Dominica
Portsmouth, England
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Post Office Bay, Floreana
Poulsbo, WA
Pourquoi Pas Island, Antarctica
Pozzallo, Italy
Praia da Vittoria, Azores, Portugal
Praia, Cape Verde
Praslin, Seychelles
Preservation Inlet, New Zealand
Prickly Pear Island
Primosten, Croatia
Prince Christian Sound, Greenland
Prince Frederick Harbour, Western Australia
Prince Leopold Island, Canada
Prince Regent River, Western Australia
Prince Rupert, BC. Canada
Prince William Sound, Alaska
Princess Cays, Bahamas
Princess Royal Channel, BC Canada
Prins Christian Sund, Greenland
Probolinggo, Java
Progreso (For Chichen Itza)
Progresso, Mexico
Propriano, Corsica. FR
Provence, France
Province Island, Canada
Provincetown, Massachusetts
Pucisca, Brac Island
Puerto Ayora, Galapagos Is
Puerto Banus, Costa del Sol, Spain
Puerto Baquerizo (San Cristobal)
Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica
Puerto Chacabuco, Chile
Puerto Chiapas, Mexico
Puerto Cortes, Honduras
Puerto De La Estaca
Puerto del Rosario
Puerto Jiminez, Costa Rica
Puerto Limon, Costa Rica
Puerto Madryn, Argentina
Puerto Montt, Chile
Puerto Natales, Chile
Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Puerto Princesa, Philippines
Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Puerto Villamil, Isabella, Galapagos Islands
Puerto Williams, Chile
Puget Sound
Puisortoq Glacier, Greenland
Pula, Croatia
Pulap Atoll, FSM
Pulau Asok, Indonesia
Pulau Ayu, Indonesia
Pulau Balbulol, Indonesia
Pulau Hoga, Indonesia
Pulau Karawapop, Indonesia
Pulau Misool, Raja Ampat
Pulau Momon, Indonesia
Pulau Nai, Indonesia
Pulau Num, Indonesia
Pulau Penemu, Raja Ampat
Pulau Roon, Papua New Guinea
Pulau Rouw, Indonesia
Pulau Semau, Indonesia
Pulau Weh (Sabang) Indonesia
Pulluche Canal Chile
Punta Arenas, Chile
Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
Punta del Este, Uruguay
Punta Espinoza, Fernandina
Punta Gorda, Florida, USA
Punta Leona, Costa Rica
Punta Moreno (Isabela), Galapagos
Punta Pitt, San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands
Punta Sal National Park, Honduras
Punta Suarez, Galapagos Islands
Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Pylos, Greece
Qaqortoq, Greenland
Qassiarsuk, Greenland
Qena, Egypt
Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland
Qeqqata Kommunia, Greenland
Qikiqtarjuaq, Canada
Quad Cities (Bettendorf), IA
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada
Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand
Queen Mary Land, Antarctica
Quemchi, Chiloe Island, Chile
Quepos, Costa Rica
Quiberon, France
Quito, Ecuador
Raasay, Scotland
Rab Island, Croatia
Rabat, Morocco
Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
Rabida, Galapagos Islands
Radstock Bay
Raft Point, Western Australia
Raiatea, French Polynesia
Raja Ampat
Ramah Bay, Canada
Rangiroa, French Polynesia
Raroia (Raro-nuku), Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Rathlin Island, Ireland
Raudfjorden, Spitsbergen
Raufarhöfn, Iceland
Rauma, Finland
Ravenna, Italy
Recherche Bay, Tasmania
Recife, Brazil
Red Bay, New Foundland, Canada
Red Wing, Minnesota, USA
Regensburg, Germany
Reggio, Italy
Regua, Portugal
Reims, France
Reine, Lofoten Islands
Reloncavi Sound, Chile
Rémire Island, Seychelles
Renard Islands, PNG
Resolute (Qausuittuq), Canada
Resolution Island, Canada
Rethymnon, Greece
Reykjanes, Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland
Rhine Gorge
Rhodes, Greece
Ribbon Reef, Queensland, Australia
Richards Bay, South Africa
Richland, Washington, USA
Riga, Latvia
Rigolet Harbour, New Foundland, Canada.
Rijeka, Croatia
Ringaskiddy, Ireland
Ringgold Isles, Fiji
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio Dulce
Río Esquinas, Costa Rica
Rio Grande, Brazil
River Cruising
River Village
Riviere Bleue, New Caledonia
Road Bay, Anguilla
Road Town, British Virgin Islands
Roatan, Honduras
Robe, SA, Australia
Robert Island, Alaska
Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile
Rockland, Maine, USA
Rodney Bay St Lucia
Roe River, Western Australia
Romblon Island, Philippines
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy
Romsdalsfjord, Norway
Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark
Rosario, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands
Roscoff, France
Rose Island, Canada
Roseau, Dominica
Rosendal, Norway
Roses, Spain
Ross Sea Region, Antarctica
Rossel Island, PNG
Rosyth, Scotland
Rothenburg, Germany
Rotorua, New Zealand
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Rotuma, Fiji
Rouen, France
Rousse, Bulgaria
Rovinj, Croatia
Rowley Shoals, Western Australia
Rudesheim, Germany
Rudyard Bay, Alaska
Runavik, Faroe Islands
Runde, Norway
Rusbasbedar Island, Papua New Guinea
Russe, Bulgaria
Russell Islands, Solomon Islands
Russell, New Zealand
Sa Dec, Vietnam
Saaremaa Island, Estonia
Sacred Islands, Fiji
Sado Island, Japan
Safaga (Luxor)
Safi, Morocco
Sag Harbor, New York
Saglek Fjord, Canada
Saguenay River & Fjord, Quebec, Canada
Saint Francois Is., Seychelles
Saint James Bay, Alaska
Saint Pierre, Martinique
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, France
Sakaiminato, Japan
Sakata, Japan
Salalah, Oman
Salamanca, Spain
Salaverry Trujillo, Peru
Saldanha, South Africa
Sale River, Western Australia
Salen, Scotland
Salluit, Quebec, Canada
Salvador de Bahia, Brazil
Salzburg, Austria
Sam Ford Fjord, Baffin Island
Samana, Cayo Levantado, DR.
Samar Island, Philippines
Samarai Island, Papua New Guinea
Samos, Greece
San Andrés and Providencia, Colombia
San Andres Island, Colombia
San Antonio (Santiago), Chile
San Blas Islands, Panama
San Cristobal, Solomon Islands
San Diego, California, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua
San Juan Islands, Washington, USA
San Juan, Puerto Rico
San Martin, Peru
San Salvador Island, Bahamas
San Sebastian, La Gomera, Canary Islands
San Sebastian, Spain
Sanary-Sur-Mer, France
Sanda Island, Scotland
Sandakan, Malaysia
Sanday, Orkney Islands (Scotland)
Sandnes, Norway
Sandy Island, Anguilla
Sandy Island, Grenada
Sanguinaires Islands
Sanremo, Italy
Santa Amanza, Corsica
Santa Ana Is, Solomons
Santa Barbara, California, USA
Santa Cruz de La Palma, Canary Islands
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands
Santa Cruz Huatulco, Mexico
Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos
Santa Margherita, Italy
Santa Maria, Azores
Santa Marta, Colombia
Santa Rosalia, Mexico
Santander, Spain
Santarem, Brazil
Santiago Island (Puerto Egas), Galapagos Islands
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Santo Tomas de Castilla, Guatemala
Santorini, Greece
Santos (Sao Paulo),Brazil
Sanya, China
Sao Francisco do Sul, Brazil
Sao Jorge Island, Azores
Sao Nicolau, Cape Verde Islands
Sao Tome, Bon Bon Islands
Sapporo (Muroran), Japan
Sarande, Albania
Sark Island, Channel Islands
Sarmiento Channel, Chilean Fjords
Sasebo, Japan
Satonda Is. Indonesia
Saudarkrokur, Iceland
Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, USA
Saunders Island, Falklands
Savannah, Georgia, USA
Savannah, Tennessee, USA
Savissivik, Greenland
Savona, Italy
Savusavu Fiji
Sawa-I-Lau Island, Fiji
Sawinggrai, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
Sawyer Glacier, Alaska
Scalloway, Shetlands
Scarborough, Trinidad & Tobago
Scheveningen, Netherlands
Schollart Channel
Schoonhoven, Netherlands
Scoresby Sund, Greenland
Scoresbysund, Greenland
Scotia Sea
Scott Reef Atoll, WA
Scrabster, Scotland
Sea of Japan
Seattle, Washington, USA
Sebakor Bay, Indonesia
Seho Island, Indonesia
Seine River, France
Semarang, Indonesia
Sendai, Japan
Seno Eyre Fjord, Chile
Seogwipo, Jeju Island
Seoul (Inchon), Sth Korea
Sepik River, PNG
Sept Iles, Quebec, Canada
Seram Island, Indonesia
Sermersooq, Greenland
Sermilik Fjord, Greenland
Sete, France
Setubal, Portugal
Seven Islands, Nordaustlandet
Seven Sisters Mountain Range
Seville, Spain
Seward, Alaska
Seydisfjordur, Iceland
Seymour Narrows BC Canada
Seysdisfjordur, Iceland
Shackleton Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Shaftesbury Inlet, Nunavut, Canada
Shanghai, China
Shark Bay, Western Australia
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada
Shetland Islands, Scotland
Shiant Isles, North West Scotland
Shieldaig, Scotland
Shimizu (Shizuoka), Japan
Shimokamagari, Japan
Shimonoseki, Japan
Shingu, Japan
Ship Cove, New Zealand
Shumagin Islands, Alaska
Shute Harbour, Queensland, Australia
Sibenik, Croatia
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Sifnos, Greece
Siglufjorour, Iceland
Sihanoukville, Cambodia
Silver Islet, Ontario, Canada
Sinda Island, Tanzania
Sipan Island, Croatia
Sir Bani Yas, UAE
Sir Francis Drake Channel Virgin Islands
Siracusa, Italy
Sisimiut, Greenland
Sitka, Alaska
Skagen, Denmark
Skagway, Alaska
Skarsvag North Cape Norway
Skellig Rock, Ireland
Skiathos, Greece
Skjolden, Norway
Skjoldungen Fjord, Greenland
Skomer Island, Wales
Skopelos, Greece
Sleepy Hollow, New York, USA
Slieve League Cliffs, Ireland
Smeerenburg, Spitsbergen
Smith Sound
Smoking Hills Canada NW
Smola Island, Norway
Smyth Channel, Chile
Snaefellsnes Peninsula Iceland
Snares Island, New Zealand
Snow Pass, Alaska
Sognefjord, Norway
Sokcho, Korea
Sokhna, Egypt
Soller, Mallorca
Solt, Hungary
Somerset Island, Arctic Canada
Somosomo, Fiji
Sopers Hole, British Virgin Islands
Soraust-Svalbard Nature Reserve, Greenland
Sorong, Papua New Guinea
Sorrento, Italy
Sortland, Norway
Sorvagur, Faroe Islands
Souda Bay, Greece
Soufriere, St Lucia
Sound Of Mull
South Georgia, South Atlantic Ocean
South Of The Polar Circle
South Orkney Islands, Southern Ocean
South Plaza island, Galapagos Islands
South Queensferry, Scotland
South Sandwich Islands, South Georgia
South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Southampton, England
Southern Coast Of Greenland
Spanish Town, Jamaica
Spetses, Greece
Speyer, Germany
Spitsbergen, Norway
Spitz, Austria
Split, Croatia
St Abbs UK
St Anthony, New Foundland, Canada
St Augustine, Florida
St Clair River, Michigan USA
St Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
St Florent, France
St Francisville, Louisiana, USA
St George Island, Bermuda
St Georges, Grenada
St Helena, United Kingdom
St Helier, Jersey, England
St Jean de Luz, France
St John U.S. Virgin Islands
St John's, Newfoundland, Canada
St John, New Brunswick, Canada
St Johns, Antigua & Barbuda
St Kilda, Scotland
St Kitts & Nevis
St Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada
St Louis, Missouri, USA
St Lucia
St Maarten
St Malo, France
St Mary's Port, Scilly Isles
St Michaels, MD
St Peter Port, Guernsey
St Pierre, St Pierre & Miquelon
St Raphael, France
St Simons Island, Georgia, USA
St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
St Tropez, France
St Vincent & The Grenadines
St. Anthony Channel, Croatia
St. Lawrence Seaway
Staffa Island, Scotland
Stanley Island, Queensland, Australia
Stari Grad, Hvar Island
Statue Of Liberty Cruising
Stavanger, Norway
Steeple Jason Island, Falkland Islands
Stephens Passage
Stikine Strait, Alaska
Stockholm, Sweden
Stornoway, Isle of Lewis - Scotland
Strait of Georgia
Straits Of Magellan, Chile
Strasbourg, France
Streymoy Island, Faroe Islands
Stromboli. Italy
Stromness, Scotland
Stueng Trang, Cambodia
Stuttgart, Germany
Stykkisholmur, Iceland
Sualkuchi, India
Subic Bay, Luzon, Philippines
Suduroy Island, Faroe Islands
Suez Canal
Suez Canal South, Egypt
Sumbawa, Indonesia
Sumburgh Head, Scotland
Sumner Strait, Alaska
Sundsvall, Sweden
Supper Cove, New Zealand
Surabaya, Indonesia
Surtsey, Westmann Isles, Iceland
Suva Fiji
Svandalsfoss Falls, Norway
Svartisen, Norway
Svolvaer, Norway
Swande Island, Indonesia
Swift Bay
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Symi, Greece
Syracuse, Sicily. IT
Syros, Greece
Szczecin, Poland
Tabar Islands, PNG
Tadoussac, Quebec, Canada
Tagat Sagel Reef
Taglio di Po, Italy
Tagus River
Tahaa, French Polynesia
Tahuata, French Polynesia
Taiari (Chalky Inlet), New Zealand
Taiohae (French Polynesia)
Taipei, Taiwan
Takamatsu, Japan
Taketomi Island, Ryukyu Islands
Takoradi, Ghana
Talbot Bay, Western Australia
Taliabu Island, Indonesia
Tallinn, Estonia
Tamano, Japan
Tami Islands, Papua New Guinea
Tampa, Florida
Tan Chau, Vietnam
Tan Phong Island, Vietnam
Tanera Beg, Summer Isles, Scotland
Tangier, Morocco
Tanjung Mangguar, Indonesia
Tanjung Padan, Belitung Island
Tanjung Priok, Indonesia
Taolagnaro, Madagascar
Taormina, Sicily
Taragonna, Spain
Taranto, Italy
Tarragona, Spain
Tasermiut Fjord, Greenland
Tassermiut Fjord, Greenland
Tauranga, New Zealand
Tayvallich, Scotland
Tenerife, Canary Islands
Ternate Island, Maluka Islands, Indonesia
Terra Nova National Park, Canada
Terre-de-Haut/Iles des Saintes (Guadaloupe)
Terrene Landing, Mississippi, USA
Tetepare, Solomon Islands
Texas Bar, Svalbard
Tezpur, India
The Antarctic Circle
The Benjamin Islands, North Channel
The Calanques of Marseille
The Dalles
The Denmark Strait
The Elbe River
The Furebergfossen Waterfall, Mauranger, Norway
The Gullett, Antarctica
The Ice Floes
The Minch, Scotland
The Pyramid, New Zealand
Thessaloniki, Greece
Thomas Bay, Alaska
Thompson Sound, New Zealand
Thule Region Baffin Island
Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada
Thursday Island, Queensland, Australia
Tiger Island (Ong Ho), Vietnam
Tikihau, Tuamotu Archipelago
Tilbury, England
Timaru, New Zealand
Tinos, Greece
Tiree, Scotland
Tivat, Montenegro
Tiwi Islands, Northern Territory, Australia
Tjeldsundet Strait, Norway
Toamasina, Madagascar
Toau, French Polynesia
Toba Japan
Tobago Cays, St Vincent & the Grenadines
Tobermory, Ontario, Canada
Tobermory, Scotland
Tokeh, Sierra Leone
Tokushima, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Toliara, Madagascar
Tolomato River, Florida
Tomonoura, Japan
Tonle Sap, Cambodia
Torbay, England
Torgau, Germany
Torghatten, Norway
Tori Shima, Japan
Torngat Mountains National Park
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Torquay, England
Torres Islands, Vanuatu
Torrumbarry Weir, VIC, Australia
Torshavn, Denmark
Tortel, Chile
Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Tory Channel, New Zealand
Tory Island, Ireland
Tottori, Japan
Toulon, France
Tournon, France
Tower Of Hercules, Spain
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Traben-Trarbach, Germany
Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska
Traelanípa, Faroe Islands
Trapani, Sicily, Italy
Travemunde, Germany
Treis-Karden, Germany
Tresco Island, United Kingdom
Trevoux, France
Trier, Germany
Trieste, Italy
Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
Trinidad (Port of Spain)
Trinity. New Foundland, Canada
Tristan da Cunha, United Kingdom
Triton Bay, Indonesia
Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea
Trogir, Croatia
Trois Ilets, Martinique
Trois Rivieres, Quebec
Trollfjord, Norway
Tromso, Norway
Trondheim, Norway
Troon, Scotland
Truk (Chuuk), Micronesia
Tsoilik Island, Solomon Islands
Tsuruga, Japan
Tufi Harbour, Papua New Guinea
Tulagi, Solomons
Tulcea, Romania
Tumavík, Iceland
Tunis, Tunisia
Tunulliarfik Fjord, Greenland
Turku, Finland
Twillingate, New Foundland, Canada
Uepi Island, Solomon Islands
Ugashik, Alaska
Ujung Kulon, Java, Indonesia
Ujung Pandang, Indonesia
Uligamu, Maldives
Ullapool, Scotland
Ulsan, Korea
Ulukhaktok, Canada
Ulva Island, New Zealand
Ulva, Scotland
Ulvik, Hardangerfjord
Umbria, Italy
Umea, Sweden
Umivik, Greenland
Ungava Bay, QC
Ungava Peninsula, QC
Union Island
Uno Ko (for Okayama), Japan
Uno, Bijagos
Uoleva Island, Tonga
Urbino, Italy
Urnes Stave Church, Norway
Urvina Bay (Isabela), Galapagos
Ushuaia, Argentina
Utrecht, Netherlands
Uumannaq, Greenland
Uunartoq, Greenland
Uwajima, Japan
Vaasa, Finland
Valdez, Alaska
Valencia, Spain
Vallazza, Italy
Valletta, Malta
Valparaiso (Santiago), Chile
Vancouver, BC. Canada
Vanikoro, Solomon Islands
Vanimo Island, PNG
Vansittart Bay, Western Australia
Vanua Balavu, Lau Islands, Fiji
Vavau, Tonga
Veere, Netherlands
Vega Terron, Spain
Vega, Norway
Veidileysa, Iceland
Velas, Sao Jorge Island, Azores, Portugal
Venice, Italy
Ventspils, Latvia
Vernon, France
Vestmanna, Faroe Islands
Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland
Viareggio, Italy
Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA
Victoria Settlement NT
Victoria, BC. Canada
Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles
Victoria, Malta
Vidin, Bulgaria
Vienna, Austria
Vienne, France
Vieste, Foggia, Italy
Vigo, Spain
Vigur Island, Iceland
Vik Norway
Vila do Porto, Santa Maria Island, Portugal
Vilagarcia de Arousa, Spain
Villefranche (Nice), France
Villefranche-Sur-Mer, France
Vilshofen, Germany
Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands
Vis Croatia
Visby Sweden
Vitu (Witu) Islands, Papua New Guinea
Viviers, France
Vlore, Albania
Vodice, Croatia
Volos, Greece
Volunteer Island, Falkland Islands
Vona Vona Lagoon, Solomon Islands
Vopnafjorour, Iceland
Vukovar, Croatia
Vulaga Island, Southern Lau Group, Fiji
Wachau Valley, Austria
Waingapu, Sumba Is, Indonesia
Waitangi, New Zealand
Wakatobi National Marine Park, Indonesia
Wakayama, Japan
Walrus Is. Canada
Walvis Bay, Namibia
Warrenpoint, Ireland
Waterford, Ireland
Wayag Island, Indonesia
Weddell Sea Antarctica
Weissenkirchen, Austria
Welland Canal, Ontario, Canada
Wellington, New Zealand
Wertheim, Germany
Wesel, Germany
Wessel Islands, Northern Territory, Australia
West Point New York
West Point, Falkland Islands
Westfjords, Iceland
Westman Islands (Vestmannaeyjar), Iceland
Weymouth, England
Whale Channel, Alaska
Whangarei, New Zealand
White Bay, Jost Van Dyke, BVI
Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia
Whittier, Alaska
Wide Channel, Chile
Wiesbaden, Germany
Wilkes Land, Antarctica
Willemstad, Curacao
Willemstad, Netherlands
Williamsburg, Virginia
Willis Island, Coral Sea
Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Winningen, Germany
Winona, Minnesota, USA
Wismar, Germany
Wittenberg, Germany
Wofoh Island, Indonesia
Woodlark Island, PNG
Woody Point, Newfoundland, Canada
Wrangell, Alaska
Wurzburg, Germany
Wyndham, Western Australia
Xayaburi Dam
Xiamen, China
Yakushima, Japan
Yakutat Bay, Alaska
Yamdena Island, Indonesia
Yampi Sound, WA
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Yasawa Islands, Fiji
Yatsushiro, Japan
Ybbs, Austria
Yenwaupnor, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
Yeosu, South Korea
Yirrkala, Australia
Yokohama, Japan
Yonaguni, Japan
Yorkeys Knob, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Yorktown, Virginia
Ystad, Sweden
Zadar, Croatia
Zakinthos, Greece
Zamami, Japan
Zanzibar, Tanzania
Zeebrugge, Belgium
Zelo, Italy
Zihuatanejo, Mexico